Complex initial examination

During your first visit, we conduct a thorough examination of teeth and soft tissue, using dental microscope, digital radiography and diagnostic images.

OPG images help us to discover any pathology of your head and neck. We can read from the images position and number of your teeth,  yet not visible teeth wisdom, cavities, inflammation under the teeth, bone quality – possible damage by periodontitis, joint condition etc. OPG image is also part of the preventive oncological examination. In this area, we cooperate with the orthodontist MUDr. František Filipi We use x-ray – My Ray, that, in comparison with older “foil” x-rays, ensures minimum radiation dose of X-rays.


We work with detailed bitewing image using devices such as Acteon and VistaScan This method is able to reveal dental caries (cavities) „between“ teeth; cavities hiding under fillings; or dental calculus. Without these methods, these imperfections in your mouth would be hardly detectable. It helps us also to detect earlier other possible problems with teeth and gums.


Thanks to thorough examination using images, we are able to draw up very precise treatment plan.



Treatment plan


Based on the information obtained during the initial examination, you are informed about the status of your teeth and we present treatment options. We take into consideration your individual requirements; then, we draw up a detailed treatment plan with proposed financial budget.


Vysvětlíme Vám podrobně, co je příčinou Vašich problémů a navrhneme Vám léčebný plán.



Dental hygiene


Modern dentistry emphasizes the perfect oral hygiene. It is scientifically proven, that good home care and regular professional dental hygiene reduces risk of new caries and periodontitis problems to a minimum.

So why would you not go with us this way?

We offer comprehensive dental hygiene services, such as removal of dental calculus using ultrasonic device EMS or using hand scalers LM


Red arrows indicate dental calculus (tartar), which we found thanks to preventive bitewing images. The subgingival calculus is not visible in the mouth, but even more dangerous. Such extensive calculus  is a consequence of poor oral hygiene, and contributes to worsening of the periodontitis.

We will show you how to take proper care of your teeth, help to choose appropriate dental tools – Swiss Curaprox brushes, toothbrushes Swedish Tepe http: //www.tepe. com/.


air flow

We offer non-invasive removal of pigments from the surface of your teeth using Air flow method


We also offer application of tooth jewelery and etc.



Teeth whitening


Teeth whitening is an aesthetic procedure that, if used correctly, does no harm to your teeth. There are two types of whitening – internal and external. We use the internal whitening for teeth, that have suffered trauma or failed endodontic treatment, and there is an internal tooth discoloration. In most cases, it is usually case of one heavily discolored front tooth.


External whitening is an elegant way how to, non-invasively, improve aesthetics of your teeth. You can choose between two options:  We will make carriers for whitening gel and you can white your teeth at home alone; or, we will use combined whitening,  at first in-office whitening with immediate effect, followed by whitening home.



Esthetic dental composite fillings


Esthetic dental composite fillings are a modern, minimally invasive way how to fix tooth with cavity. The procedure is painless, filling is aesthetic and durable. Compared to the old method of fixing teeth using amalgam, which includes, inter alia, mercury, this method minimizes the risk of fracture of your tooth, tooth sensitivity after surgery and other unpleasant complications. We use only the best materials made by the best companies. For treatment of molars, we use Evetric material from the Liechtenstein company Ivoclar Vivadent For incisors and canines, where the aim is maximum level of aestheticsm, we use material from Swiss company Edelweiss Furthermore, we use materials from US manufacturers, such as Kerr, 3M Espe or French Itena /fr/.


Treatment of molars in the lower jaw. On the top six tooth we can see gray rim around the old amalgam filling – decay. Furthermore, thanks to x-ray, we have discovered “interdental” cavities on both molars. Although these cavities were fairly extensive, our patient did not know about them. If we haven’t found these cavities, the carious process would continue until breaking the tooth or inflaming the nerve.


Extensive cavities on molar and premolar teeth in the upper jaw. These cavities were exhibited by increased sensitivity and pain while eating and drinking. Unfortunately, the patient came to us at a moment, when the tooth tissue destruction was very extensive and extended to near the nerve. After drilling cavities, we used composite teeth fillings. Afterwards, our patient shows significant improvement, only moderate sensitivity to cold remains; this should retreat over time.


At the patient’s request, we changed old amalgam fillings on molars in the lower jaw. Thanks to the use of composite material, we were able to avoid remediation using ceramic crowns that were suggested to our patient by her former dentist. Under her fillings, we found slowly spreading chronic cavities.


Remediation of cavities on molars in the upper jaw. Tooth decay on tooth six was clearly evident in the mouth of the patient. The remaining cavities were discovered only thanks to the bitewing x-rays.


Extensive cavity around fillings on the top six tooth. The remaining cavities we found again thanks to the bitewing X-rays.


Root canal treatment


If we discover necrosis or inflammation of the nerve in a tooth, it is necessary to initiate a root canal treatment. Inflammation of nerve may manifest itself by severe pain of the tooth, often suffered at night or early in the evening. It is no exception, that there could be death of nerve without any pain symptoms. Inflammation under the root of the tooth was discovered after initial X-rays examination. Meanwhile, the tooth can be a source of nonspecific complaints and pain – pressure under teeth, swollen gums etc. Treatment consists of disinfecting root canal followed by hermetic filling. The procedure is always performed under local anesthesia. Due to the complexity of anatomy and miniature dimensions of root canals, treatment without magnifying techniques often fail. Thanks to the use of an operating microscope Alltion, the success of treatment increases. In our office, we use microscope AM-3000 with an external 80W LED light source; in October 2015, we were the first center in the Czech Republic with this type of microscope. Another indispensable tool is the endo motor for machine processing of roots – reciproc silver Mechanical treatment using rotary tools ProTaper, Reciproc significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. For disinfection of root canals, we use only certified disinfectant manufacturers Vista? and Cerkamed


Extensive cavity on lower molar caused inflammation of nerve and then dental granuloma – a dark area under the root of the tooth. We had to initiate the root canal treatment. Through the use of an operating microscope in our office, we were able to treat all root canals and, therefore,  we can expect smooth functioning of the tooth. We will use tooth crown / onlay, because the tooth cavity greatly weakened the tooth and it is possible it will break.


Example of a tooth with necrotic pulp. Root canal divides in two canals in the depth of the root.


Root canal retreatment


The root canal treatment is not always successful and inflammation underneath the tooth remains. There may be several reasons. Most often, not all root canals were successfuly treated or properly filled.


In this case, imperfect root canal treatment manifested itself by regularly repeated slight swelling and soreness. The cause of this condition was poor root filling in the canine and  untreated root canal. After our root canal retreatment, pain, swelling and soreness had completely disappeared within three days.


X-ray of a tooth before, during and after reendodontic treatment. The tooth hurt in the past and caused swelling of the gums. After we treated all four root canals, the tooth stopped hurting and did not cause the patient any further problems or pain.


Crowns / bridges / onlays


We use prosthetic (made in the laboratory) for part of the tooth (onlay); for the whole tooth (crown); or for more teeth (bridge), when it is not possible to fix your teeth directly in your mouth because of extensive damage of your teeth; or high aesthetic demands of the patient. We use the most esthestic material – ceramics. The type of ceramics we use, either Emax (lithiumdisilikát) Zircon, or metalceramics, depends on the aesthetic demands or type of treatment. We cooperate with leading laboratory in Brno


On the fifth premolar you can see the extent of destruction of the clinical crown and our treatment using composite onlays. Fourth premolar is treated with a composite filling.


X-ray documenting condition of the tooth with which the patient came to us.




Veneer is a laboratory-made ceramic restoration for front teeth surfaces. It is used for aesthetic correction of smile, where less invasive procedures, such as bleaching and  composite fail.





Nowadays, the loss of a  tooth does not automatically mean its replacement by a bridge or removable dentures. The implant became a full-fledged alternative in the treatment of missing teeth. Given the complexity and demands of implantology, we work with an experienced specialist MUDr. Michal Pokorny; he is a surgeon with many years of experience in the field of oral surgery, and a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University in Olomouc.



Treatment of periodontitis


Our dental office focuses also on the treatment of periodontal disease The treatment is performed by a dental hygienist Adéla Dostalová, DiS. under the supervision of MDDr. Ondřej Kyselovský. Nowadays, periodontal disease does not necessarily mean tooth loss. It is an illness, which, if detected early, can be successfully treated. The success treatment is not based on some miraculous tooth paste, but on perfect home dental hygiene, supplemented by repeated treatment at dental hygienist’s office. In case of severe periodontitis, we combine treatment based on deep curettage with antibiotic spray.



Treatment of receding gums


Do you suffer from receding gums (gingival recession) accompanied by tooth sensitivity? There are several ways to solve this medical condition. It often helps to change toothbrush and toothpaste. If the symptoms persist, it is necessary to overlay the root surface – coating or filling them, which reduces tooth sensitivity. If the problem of receding gums is too extensive, we can solve this problem surgically, by gum operation. Choice of treatment always depends on your individual situation; there is no universal approach.





We make all kinds of prostheses, both for completely toothless jaw and partially tootthless jaw.



ALWAYS sterile instruments

In order to guarantee always sterile instruments during treatment of each patient, we use ultrasonic cleaners disinfect GT Sonic; instruments are then packed in sterilization foil using Melag 100+ seal and sterilized in an autoclave German Melag Vacuklav 24 B + For safe storage, we use storage system for sterile instruments Zirc